Social Science Cyber Library (Faculty of Social Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India) Estd. 2013 *** Social Science Cyber Library selected for LIMCA Book of Records.*** Infringement of copyright of E-resources, if any, should be immediately reported to the Cybrarian.***
You are here: Home Useful Link Softwares Contact Owner Your Name Your Email Your Phone Enquiry Email this link to a friend Email to: Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Report this Item Your Email Comment SoftwaresUseful ForLibrary ScienceDescriptionThis is a C# library which contains classes for working in memory with MARC records ( ). This allows records to be read from MarcXML and Marc21 formats. Once in memory any field or subfield can be edited, added, or deleted. Then tURLViewTotal Hits: 1355Report this Item Your Email Comment Contact OwnerEmail Item