Certified by: ISO 9001:2008
Social Science Cyber Library
Standard Operating Procedure
- Directly go to “http:socsccybraryamu.ac.in”
Go to Home page of Aligarh Muslim University Homepage www.amu.ac.in > Libraries > Social Science Cyber Library.
Go to http://google.com and type Social Science Cyber Library.
- To access a particular kind of resource, please click the options provided on the left side of the navigation panel or on the moving icons.
- E-Books: All the E-books available at Cybrary are in (.Pdf) format. It may be accessed through Desktop or smart phones. E-books can be browsed by several ways as given below:
- Newest: To find recently added e-books.
- All Books: Alphabetically arranged e-books by Titles.
- Random Books: To find books without any specific order.
- Authors: To browse alphabetically by any Part of Author’s name.
- Languages: To browse by Languages/Scripts.
- Publisher: To browse alphabetically by any Part of Publisher’s name.
- Rating: To search by internationally rating of books.
- Series: To browse by Series Name.
- Tags: To browse by alphabetically arranged tags/keywords assigned to e-books.
- Search Box: To Search E-books by typing any word like: Title, Keyword(s), Author(s), Summary, Publishers used in metadata.
- To download e-book click on Get or cover page image.
- E-Journals: Open Access E-journals are listed here by Subject, Title, Publisher, They may be sorted alphabetically A-Z or Z-A by Clicking on Upward/Downward arrows given in each field and Clicking on View which directs on Publishers site.
The procedures are almost same as given in part “4. E-Journals” for the following e-resources
- Conference Proceedings: In this section Conference Proceedings published related to social science subjects with full Articles available on Internet are aggregated here.
- In-house Publications: Intends to include Publications of various departments of studies of faculty of Social Sciences of Aligarh Muslim University as and when available.
- Video Lectures: The Video Lectures of eminent Social Scientists collected through various institutional websites are listed.
- Useful Websites: Useful websites related to Social Sciences are listed
- Subject Gateways: The Subject gateways related to Social Sciences are listed.
- Databases: Subject Databases related to Social Sciences are listed.
- Softwares: Open Source softwares related to Social Sciences are listed.
- E-Theses: Provides Links directly to http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
- Contact Cybrarian: Click Send Message to contact Cybrarian as and when required.
Designed and Developed
Prof. Shabahat Husain
Coordinator, Social Science Cyber Library
Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, A.M.U. Aligarh
Ex. Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, A.M.U. Aligarh, (INDIA).